Welcome parents and students to our class blog for 2016!
The idea of this blog is to help keep you informed with access to a range of information and resources throughout the year. Blog updates will be made surrounding; interesting lessons we do in class, special activities or resources students may want to access from home, homework and diary dates, excursions, etc. If we think it will benefit you, we will post it! There are also tabs above that will take you to permanent pages we feel would be beneficial for you such as spelling lists, class time table and more. Please explore and become familiar with how our blog looks and is set up.
First day can always be a little scary, but we promise you are all going to have a fantastic year! All the Year 6 teachers have been working very hard to plan some amazing activities that you will all love. Being in Year 6 not only means you are in your final year of primary school and need to prepare for high school, but it also means you are the leaders of the school and we have big expectations that we have no doubt you will all live up to.
I will be working Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays this year, whilst Mr Butler will be working Tuesday. We have broken up our subjects a little to ensure a clear direction for the class. Mr Butler will be focusing a lot on Science, Health and Grammar on Tuesdays.
Don't forget we have swimming starting day 2 of this term, so make sure you are organised and ready to go! We will be leaving school at 11.15 and arriving back at school around 12.25. If you have any music lessons or other commitments at school try to rearrange them on Monday so you don't miss out!
We hope you find our blog useful and we are so excited to meet and get to know you all! Parents if you do have a chance this week, before or after school, we would love you to pop your head in to say 'Hello'.
Mrs L Geelhoed