Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Diary Dates Term 2 Week 1


Spelling - syllables for all lists
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated from Maths class teacher

Spelling - 10 words from list 1 and 10 words from list 2 sounds
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated from Maths class teacher
Guest speaker at 11:30 - Joey Rawson

Spelling - parent test of list 1 and 2
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated from Maths class teacher
Merit Awards - Ava and James


Wednesday 4th May - excursion to CSHS
Thursday 5th May - our class Assembly Item
Friday 6th May - Interschool Chess tournament

Thursday, April 7, 2016

SPELLING BEE Year 6 Term 1

Congratulations to all students from our class who participated in the Year 6 Term 1 Spelling Bee yesterday. There was some incredibly hard words that even some of the teachers were struggling to spell. An extra special mention to William who came 5th and Ava who came 3rd. What an absolutely phenominal achievement!

ANZAC Day ceremony and archives to search through

Today Wembley P.S held their ANZAC Day service. I was so proud of all the students in our class in the way they showed respect and were fantastic role models for the rest of the school. Well done to all students who did reading, spoke, sang or played in the band, you were all amazing!

David Burridge, who was our guest speaker, also told me about three places you are able to go to find information on relatives from WWI or WWII.

The first website, The National Archives of Australia, allows you to search for relatives from WWI for free as this was a gift to all Australians a few years ago. If you want to search for WWII then there is a fee because not all these documents have been made digital yet.

The second website if the Australian War Memorial site where once again you are able to search for your relatives, but it may not have as much information as the National Archives. Part of this website has the Red Cross records too, which you are able to search for family members who died to see how they passed away. Just a warning though, some of the information is quite distrurbing and gruesome so make sure a parent checks over before any student reads.

I hope they are helpful to some of you!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Diary Dates Week 10

Study for Geo. test
Scitech booklets
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated homework

Guest speaker - Liz Geelhoed
Half day - 12pm pick up
Study for Geo. test
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated homework

Study for Geo. test
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated homework
Spelling Bee

Study for Geo. test
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated homework
ANZAC Day ceremony

Mr Butler is in today - Science
Last day of Term 1
Geography test