Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Diary Dates Week 6 Term 2

GOOD DEED HOMEWORK - Thank someone in the school who helps you reguarly.

Spelling - 10 interesting sentences with columns 3 and 4
Reading -
Maths - allocated by class teacher

Art Exhibition

Spelling - Finish spelling sheet / free choice activity
Reading - Finish Big Write prep / free choice reading
Maths - allocated by class teacher
Cross Country
Ukulele for Music

Spelling - Parent test on columns on all columns.
Reading - Finish Big Write prep / free choice reading
Maths - allocated by class teacher

Reading - Free choice reading
Maths - allocated by class teacher
Big Write - how to play or set up 'Capture the flag'
Spelling Test
Assembly - Jayden Merit Award

Pupil Free Day!!!!!!

No school on Monday due to Public Holiday (W.A Day)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Korean and Vietnam Wars

Today we had a big discussion about how the Vietnam War differed to other wars in regards to weapons, jungle warfare and conscription. As a class we listened to the song "I was only 19" and discussed what soldiers would have endured during the War, as well as post traumatic stress afterwards.

In the afternoon students were then given time to explore websites and images relating to the Vietnam War and the Korean War. They came up with lots of interesting facts, as well as, comparisons and similaries between the two wars. It's been great to hear their interesting questions, and what they want to find out about next.

Students then went into their groups and added to their Think, Puzzle, Explore sheets.

Tomorrow we are going to watch a couple of videos on the Korean and Vietnam War, complete a comprehension activity as a class and do a 'Give one, Get one' activity with our Think, Puzzle, Explore sheets. Below are the videos we are going to watch if anyone would like to watch them again at home.

*DON'T FORGET - next Tuesday we will be having a history quiz on all the wars we have been exploring. The quiz will only relate to the comprehension sheets students should have stuck in their Inquiry books on WWI/ANZAC Day, WWII (newspaper report), The Great Depression (Australia initiatives) and; The Vietnam and Korean Wars. Students have been encouraged to read through their sheets Thursday night for homework and over the weekend if they get time. Students will need to know dates and facts about each of the wars.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X7nbwFxGRU - Korean War
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoXySB-WlZE - Vietnam War
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB0vFbOTjMM - Vietnam War

*Some students were also interested in the Cold War. This will not be on the quiz but if you wish to watch the quick summary on it here is the link:

Monday, May 16, 2016

WWII - Inquiry (history)

As part of our history unit, today we started to look at WWII. Students were given time to explore different websites and research interesting facts, dates, events and countries who were involved in WWII. Later in the afternoon we read about "The battle that saved Australia" and answered a range of questions. We then watched a you tube video explaing the complexities of WWII in 7 minutes. The video is below:


Diary Dates Week 4 Term 2

P.E at 1:45 today
Spelling - Based words for column  3 and 4
Reading - Reading Eggs
Maths: allocated class work

Ukulele for music
Spelling - 10 interesting sentences using words from any columns
Reading - Free choice (poems)
Maths: allocated class work

Buddies at 2:30
Spelling - Free choice
Reading - Free choice (poems)
Maths: allocated class work

THE BIG WRITE - persuasive letter
Spelling - Parent Test all columns (any words incorrect write out 3 times each)
Reading - History Sheets (History Quiz)
Maths: allocated class work

Writer in Residence - (Poetry) 10am Room 17 and 18
Prepare for History Quiz on Monday

Monday 23rd May - History Quiz based on the worksheets we have been working on

Thursday 26th May - Cake Stall. Anyone who can help out please do! Remember all we earn goes towards paying off the buses for camp! You can also make hot food, they don't need to be cakes.

Monday 30th May - Art exhibition excursion 9.30-2.30

Tuesday 31st May - Cross Country

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Big Write - Week 4

As a class we are going to be doing The Big Write more often, hopefully weekly or fortnightly. Not all of these Big Write sessions will be assessment across Year 6, a lot of them will be a weekly writing/practice activity.

Today we started researching someone that we feel is the most influential to a field that we like e.g. Michael Jordan with basketball, Aldolf Hitler in history, Albert Einstein with new discoveries, etc.

Students were given a full session to research and plan their persuasive letters. Anything they haven't done in this session will be homework over the next week. It is expected that students discuss the topic with each other and their parents. This could be in the mornings before school, on the walk/drive home from school, over dinner, etc. It does not have to be a huge homework task, but if students haven't finished their plans in the given time it is very important they finish them tonight or over the weekend so they are prepared.

Students will be writing NEXT THURSDAY! So please don't forget and well done on your amazing efforts in the Big Write that was held today about whether Australia Day should be on the 26th January.

I can't wait to read all your amazing letters next week!

The Great Depression

In history, over the past few days, we have been looking at The Great Depression. This is an incredibly complex time in history that provided students with many questions. They were given time to explore The Great Depression with the iPads, read a passage on initiatives Australia started to help the economy (such as the Harbour Bridge and The Great Ocean Road) and we watched some videos from you tube. Students then shared their thoughts in their groups and completed a Think, Puzzle, Explore.

Below are the videos we watched today:

Monday, May 9, 2016

History - WWI

As part of our inquiry unit on 'Events that shaped the world' we are looking at major wars and how it has effected people (migrations). Today we started with WWI. Students were given time to research and explore different websites during computer time before completing a Think, Puzzle, Explore sheet as a group.

We continued WWI this afternoon by watching two videos exploring the complexities of the WWI. As we discussed in class, the war was extremely complex. Students were encouraged to focus on the main events such as how the war began, which countries became involved and why, weapons and how the war finished.

We are continuing to focus on WWI tomorrow. Below are the videos we watched today in class in case you would like to watch them again at home.



Here is a clever rap version we didn't get time to watch but students may like to watch at home.


Diary Dates Term 2 Week 3

Spelling - 10 words sounds from list 1 and 10 from list 2
Reading - Reading Eggs/Discuss Big Write
Maths - Allocated work

Spelling - Write all the base words from list 1 and 2
Reading - Free Reading / Discuss Big Write
Maths - Allocated work
NAPLAN for Yr 3 and 5.
Bring in ukalele
No choir

Spelling - Parent test for columns 1 and 2 - any words wrong write out 3 times each.
Reading - Discuss and prepare for the Big Write tomorrow!
Maths - Allocated work

NAPLAN for Yr 3 and 5.
Make your own taco - lunch

Spelling - Free choice activity for all lists.
Reading - Free Reading
Maths - Allocated work
No Assembly!
NAPLAN for Yr 3 and 5.

Interschool Sport

The BIG WRITE - persuasive writing

This week students will participate in a Big Write session about whether Australia Day should remain on the 26th January. In class last week we brainstormed and started our planning for our writing. Over this week students are expected to research, practice and discuss their writing with their parents and friends to help them prepare. Our Big Write will be first thing Thursday morning during Assembly time.

I'm looking forward to reading everyone's amazing writing!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Diary dates Term 2 Week 2

Spelling - 10 synonyms from list 3 and list 4 (20 all up)
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated homework

Spelling - Parent test column 3 and 4
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated homework
Instrument for music

Spelling - 10 sentences including as many words as you can from list 3 and 4 (need to make sense)
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated homework
Mother's Day stall - 12pm
Dress rehearsal - after lunch

Spelling - Parent test all columns
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated homework
Class Assembly
Tia and Will Merit Award

Spelling Test
Science Test