Monday, December 12, 2016

Bowling - Thursday

Bowling 2016, Warwick Superbowl.
Hi Everyone
Just a reminder for Year 6 students. The Graduation dinner starts at 6pm sharp in our undercover area next Wednesday (14th) and concludes at 9pm. Parents are invited to “appear” at 8.45 for a dance with your son/daughter.
Then, on Thursday 15th, ALL YEAR 6 students head for Warwick Super Bowl for 2 games of bowling! We will eat lunch AT SCHOOL and then depart for Warwick at 11.30am. 
The school canteen is closed on this day!
The canteen at bowling however, will be open for snacks and drinks – please no more than $15.00 spending money.
We will depart Warwick at 2.30 and be back for a final farewell.
Year 6 Teachers

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Christmas Party and last session with Buddies - MONDAY

Dear Room 17 Parents
our class have requested to have a Christmas Party next week where everyone brings in a plate of food to share and we watch a Christmas movie before swapping our Secret Santa presents. 

Due to so many teachers having to move classrooms to prepare for next year, Monday is the only day we are able to do it. We would really appreciate if you could please provide a plate of food to share on Monday around 12pm - preferably not lollies or soft drink.

We will also have our last session with our Buddies on Monday, so students please don't forget to bring your Christmas Cards for your Buddies!!!!!

Kind regards
Lee Geelhoed