Thursday, June 2, 2016

Weekly updates

Hi everyone,
just a reminder that Friday is a Pupil Free Day and that Monday is a Public Holiday so there will be no school on both of those days.

Next week is also Heritage Week. There will be a range of activities across the week including in class mapping our ancestery on a world map, dressing up in our traditional dress on Thursday and a bushdance on Friday. All Year 6 students will also be completing an interview with someone who has migrated to Australia. This may be a family member, family friend or even peer from school (we have many migrants in our class and year level). They will be given a week for this task and we will discuss it in more detail on Monday.

Today we listened to the first broadcast from Wembley FM run by Room 18 all about Migration. Students took notes in groups and sang along to the catchy tunes. Room 18 did a wonderful job and we can't wait to do our radio show, hopefully next.

Our radio show will be about the 7 Wonders of the World and 7 Wonders of Australia as these tie in nicely with our Inquiry Unit about "Events/People/Places that Shaped the World". I have asked students to please either take notes about their Wonder or print off information to help them next week with writing their report since iPads may still be down.

Have a very fun, but also safe, long weekend!

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