Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 7 Diary Dates

Spelling - free choice
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated from class teacher
Spelling Test
Science Bites
Choir performance

Spelling - free choice
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated from class teacher
No choir practice

Spelling - free choice
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated from class teacher
Championship Events

Spelling - free choice
Reading - free choice
Maths - allocated from class teacher
Assembly - Cate Merit Award
First day of Spring

Athletics Carnival
Gabby's Birthday

Monday - Semi finals for speeches (Yr 6)
Monday - Buddies
Tuesday - Cake stall

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Project on Harvey WA - to be completed at school and home DUE WEEK 10

Next week our class will be starting a project on Harvey WA that will be completed in class and as part of homework. I have booked the ipads and computer next week to ensure we are making a strong start with our research next week. Below I have included a copy of the sheet students will receive in case they leave it at school they can still access it from home. We will begin this in Monday.


Over the next few weeks, as part of your class work and your homework, you will be completing a booklet about Harvey WA. Camp Mornington lies on the outskirts of Harvey, so this project will give you a good insight into the area, as well as, the history, industries, attractions and geography of the area.

You are to research the following facts on the South West town next week (Week 7) and then put together a booklet that can be handwritten or typed (only if you have a computer at home and a USB to bring to and from school). A hard copy of your booklet will be due in Week 10.

What your booklet should be made up of:

Location – include a map

History – include first settlers and aboriginal heritage

Industries           – Dairy (Harvey Fresh)

                                - Fruits (Harvey Fresh)

                                - Beef (Harvey Fresh)

                                -Bauxite (Alcoa Wagerup)

                                - Water (S.W Irrigation)

Attractions – Include a paragraph and picture of each

                                -The Big Orange

                                -Harvey Weir

                                -Internment Camp/Shrine

                                -Harvey Cheese

                                -Mornington Camp


Extension –

Marron – Research and write something about marron. You may be given the opportunity to catch and release one at camp.

Snakes – We hope we don’t see any of these!!! Look at what snakes inhabit this area and an action plan of what to do if someone was bitten.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Mrs Goyder

Dear Room 17 families,
All students were told today, and a note in the newsletter has also gone home, that Mrs Goyder is on extended sick leave. We were notified today that she is quite unwell and will potentially require surgery this week. That means that she won't be here for the Mass Choir performance, however she has left several teachers in charge to ensure it all goes smoothly. Obviously this is quite a shock for Mrs Goyder and we are sending her all our best wishes at this difficult time.

Mrs Geelhoed

Faction Carnival Day - Canteen arrangements

Canteen arrangements for Faction Carnival Day Friday September 2 Canteen will be open throughout the day for the convenience of parents and visitors and we will be holding our usual popular coffee and cake stall. We are asking families to help make the day successful by –  Donating a plate of your favourite cake, biscuits, muffins – sweet or savoury. Please remember NO NUTS and include an ingredient list. To be left in the UCA on Carnival day. 

Please place your name on the roster to help in the coffee stall for just 1 hour before or after your child’s events. The roster runs in 1 hour time slots beginning at 8.30am. Please contact Junell. or 0411 786 749.  We are offering special Spring lunch items on Carnival Day for parents, staff, students and Pre-Primary.

The Spring special MUST be pre-ordered by Wednesday August 31. Our usual Friday special will still be available. Order online or by using lunch order bags as usual.

Spring Lunch Special Fresh Sushi: Choose from Tuna, Teriyaki Chicken or Vegetarian (GF Teriyake Chicken & Veg available) 4 pieces of Sushi $4.50 5 pieces of Sushi $5.50 Fresh Rice Paper Rolls Pack of 3 rolls $6.00 Please choose from: Tuna Teriyaki Chicken (GF available) Combo – 1 roll each of Chicken, Prawn, Tofu Vegetarian. (GF available)

Monday, August 22, 2016

Athletics Carnival - already emailed out Friday

Years 3-6

Championship Events Wednesday 31st August (11:30am-3pm approx.)
Friday 2nd September Faction Carnival Years 1-6 (Approx)

8:40- Year 1 and 2 students assemble outside classroom

8:50- Students make their way to the oval and move into their faction bay

9:00- Year 2 Girls Division A, Year 2 Girls Division B….Year 1 Boys Division F

10.00- Year 1 and 2 students return to class

10:20- Year 3-6 students gather on the south quadrangle

10:30- Students march onto oval

10:40- Year 3 Girls Division A, Year 3 Girls Division B……Year 6 Boys Division E

11:40- Lunch

12:00- Team games

1:30- Relays

2:00- Presentation

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please find attached Senior Program of Events (Years 3-6) for the upcoming Athletic Carnivals.
The carnival will be split over two days.
Wednesday 31st August- 9:00am-10:45am Junior Tabloid Carnival and 11:30am-3:00pm Senior Championship Events.
Friday 2nd September- 9:00am-10:00am Junior Sprints and 10:30am-2:00pm Senior Sprints, Team Games and Years 1-6 Relays.
The program of events contains more approximate times on particular events.
Thanks for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the carnival.  
Lee Stringer
Physical Education Specialist
Wembley Primary School
Children are asked to wear Faction T-Shirts and Hats.
The Canteen will be open all day.
The Senior Carnival will start at approx 10:30am on the oval. The
We understand that parents will want to take photos, however please  be mindful of other races and our judges. We encourage pictures from the dais.
All students have been practising hard and are all involved in a sprint race and at least two team games. The order of events is outlined in this program.
Faction Shield and Rod Sutcliffe Sport Specialist Shield
will be presented at the end of the day at approx 2:00pm.
Time (approx.)
Year 3/4
Wed 31st
Long Jump
Year 5/6
Wed 31st
Long Jump
Year 3/4
Wed 31st
Year 5/6
Wed 31st
Year 3/4
Wed 31st
Year 5/6
Wed 31st


Diary Dates Week 6

Spelling - Free choice
Reading - Free choice
Maths - allocated from class teacher
Benny's Birthday (Sunday)
Science Bites 12pm

Spelling - Free choice
Reading - Free choice
Maths - allocated from class teacher
Drama 8:50am

Spelling - Free choice
Reading - Free choice
Maths - allocated from class teacher

Spelling - Free choice
Reading - Free choice
Maths - allocated from class teacher
Book Week Assembly/Parade - come dressed up!!!!

Spelling test - reward for colonies that get 100%
Sport - wear your faction tops
Mass Choir Practice

COMING EVENTS: Faction Athletics Carnival next Friday 2nd September, Year 6 Semi finals for speeches next Thursday 1st September, Cake Stall Tuesday 6th September and Speech Grandfinal Thursday 8th September.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Buddies, speeches and wet day timetable

What absolutely horrible weather we have had today! I hope you are all keeping safe travelling home tonight. Due to the terrible weather forecasts for this week, I have suggested that students bring some board games or other activities from home that they can do inside if we have a wet day timetable over the next few days. In saying that, our class has been absolutely phenominal, even though they have been cooped up inside.

For Science Week, we paired up with our buddies at did some coding this afternoon. Year 6 students helped teach their buddies how to do basic coding steps using Lightbot and Scratch Juniour. Mrs Thompson and I were blown away by how encouraging the Year 6 students were and how well they explained concepts to their buddies. Well done Year 6 students!

Last, but not least, we have started speeches in class this week. A big congratulations to all students who have presented their speech so far. One thing that they have all had in common is interesting topics and great research. I have personally been very impressed with the quality of all speeches presented so far and can't wait to see the rest of the class present their speech tomorrow or early next week. There will be a semi-final for the Year 6 students that will be on Thursday 1st September and the Grand Final will be held on Thursday 8th September, combined with the Year 5 Grandfinal. Good luck everyone!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Diary Dates Week 5, Term 3

Reading - free choice
Writing - practice your speech
Spelling - free choice
Maths - allocated from Maths teacher
Photos today
Science Bites 12pm

Reading - free choice
Writing - practice your speech
Spelling - free choice
Maths - allocated from Maths teacher
Maths ICAS

Reading - free choice
Writing - practice your speech
Spelling - free choice
Maths - allocated from Maths teacher
Buddies 2:30

Reading - free choice
Writing - practice your speech
Spelling - free choice
Maths - allocated from Maths teacher
Assembly - Merit Award Sam C

Sport - Faction shirts

*Please have your term accounts in ASAP!!!!!

1. Andrew
2. Sara
3. Jack R
4. James
5. Cate
6. Emily L
7. Jayden
8. Ava
9. Joseph
10. Sam L
11. Maddie
12. Bella
13. Tia
14. Holly
15. Taharrim
16. Luc
17. Will
18. Xavier
19. Keanu
20. Mathew
21. Jack C
22. Lily
23. Gabby
24. Sam C
25. Dylan
26. Josh
27. Benny

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Dear Room 17 Parents

our cake stall date has been changed from next Tuesday to Tuesday 6 September. This is due to ICAS Maths being held next Tuesday. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Funds raised will continue to go towards the bus for camp and the Year 6 Graduation Dinner later in the year. 

Term 3 Account has gone out. There are a few things for Term 4 on this account because next term you will have the camp fee and we didn't want to overload everyone in the final term.
Thank you so much to everyone for bringing in their Art photos. There are some gorgeous pictures that will used to create some beautiful pieces of Art!
Please don't forget we have photos next Monday. Unfortunately the graduation tops won't be here in time, we had hoped they would be. An email has been sent out regarding what Year 6 students must wear on the day.

Federation and Democracy

Yesterday we started our focus on Federation and Democracy. Students were put into 'States/Colonies' based on their interests with the symbols representing each state which linked to their industries before Federation. Boundaries were formed across the classroom and students had to work out their fines, history of their Colony, create money and negotiate with other states.

Over the next four weeks students will be learning the importance of Australia Federating and the difficulties they would have faced before Federation in this fun format. Already we have had some interesting discussions between colonies and some creative ways of earning money.

Since we are currently doing the Census, I have also created a Census for the students to do today that will be a snapshot of their state/colony and later we will combine our data to create a snapshot of Australia (our classroom).

As part of our Federation and Democracy unit, each student was also allocated a Prime Minister of Australia to write a biography about over the past two weeks. Students are now finalising these biographies in class by typing them up to publish. Once finished, we will create a class timeline of Prime Ministers.

Below are some videos we have or will be watching in class relating to Federation and Democracy if anyone would like to watch them again at home.

There are lots of fabulous you tube clips around relating to Federation and Democracy so if you find any at home please send them through so we can all watch them!

Speeches - in class presentations

Our speeches are quickly approaching and I know everyone has been practising a lot at home in preperation. Next week, Week 5, we will be starting our presentations in class and this will continue into Week 6. The reason our speeches will go over 2 weeks is because with all the extra activities going on such as Science, Drama and ICAS we are going to struggle to get through everyone. I have said to students that they all need to be prepared since it will be random selection to make it fair.

Once everyone has presented we will announce the four finalists from our class who will then go on to compete against the other Year 6 finalists in the Semi finals in Week 7 and then if they make it through the Yr 5/6 Grandfinal in Week 8.

I am so excited, as are the class, to hear everyone's presentations! Good luck everyone!

Monday, August 8, 2016

School Photos

Please be advised that this year’s student photos for Years 1 – 6 will be held on Monday, 15thAugust.
This week your teacher will distribute your child’s photo order envelope. If you would like to order photos, please either:
1.    Order online, using your “Shoot Key”, paying by credit card (please see instructions outlined on the envelope)
2.    Select the photo pack on the envelope and pay by using the Credit Card slip – complete the credit card details on the envelope, tear off the slip and enclose it in the envelope
3.    Select the photo pack on the envelope and pay by cash, enclosing the money in the envelope.
If you do not wish to order a photo of your child, you are still required to return the envelope to your teacher before your photo day. ALL ENVELOPES MUST BE RETURNED TO YOUR CLASS TEACHER.
Siblings Photos
Sibling photos are available to order. Sibling order envelopes are available for collection at the office and must be returned to the office ASAP BEFORE PHOTO DAY.
All children are required to wear the full school uniform. NO FACTION SHIRTS ALLOWED.
Please ensure that hair is neat and tidy and long hair is tied back.
Year 6 Students
Year 6 students will be advised separately regarding uniform requirements for photo day.