Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Dear Room 17 Parents

our cake stall date has been changed from next Tuesday to Tuesday 6 September. This is due to ICAS Maths being held next Tuesday. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Funds raised will continue to go towards the bus for camp and the Year 6 Graduation Dinner later in the year. 

Term 3 Account has gone out. There are a few things for Term 4 on this account because next term you will have the camp fee and we didn't want to overload everyone in the final term.
Thank you so much to everyone for bringing in their Art photos. There are some gorgeous pictures that will used to create some beautiful pieces of Art!
Please don't forget we have photos next Monday. Unfortunately the graduation tops won't be here in time, we had hoped they would be. An email has been sent out regarding what Year 6 students must wear on the day.

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