Monday, February 22, 2016

Homework and diary dates Week 4

Spelling - Parent test and free choice
Reading - Boy Overboard allocated chapters/free reading. *Don't forget to write in your diary!

Robotics 10am

Spelling - 10 definitions of the most difficult words.
Reading - Boy Overboard allocated chapters/free reading. *Don't forget to write in your diary!
Maths - write in throughout the week depending on what your maths teacher gives you.
Ukulele's for music today.
Mrs G is in today!

Spelling - Parent test. 5 sentences of the most difficult words.
Reading - Boy Overboard allocated chapters/free reading. *Don't forget to write in your diary!
Maths - write in throughout the week depending on what your maths teacher gives you.

Spelling - Parent test of all your columns in preperation for the test tomorrow. Any words you get incorrect write out 3 times each.
Reading - Boy Overboard allocated chapters/free reading. *Don't forget to write in your diary!
Maths - write in throughout the week depending on what your maths teacher gives you.
Parent Maths meeting 3.15 in your child's Maths teacher's classroom.

Spelling test today! 
Mr Butler is in today!
Bring in play dough for Science.

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