*Remember to write your own out of school activities in and anything extra you do at school. E.g. music lessons
Robotics 10am
Spelling tests returned - need to be signed by parents
Spelling - Finish word meanings from today's lesson. Choose 3 Asian countries to mark on your map.
Reading - free choice written in diary
Maths - allocated homework
Bring in Lego and any excess play dough for Science
Ukulele for Music
Spelling - syllables for all lists (number written next to each word on list). Choose 3 Asian countries to mark on your map.
Reading - free choice written in diary
Maths - allocated homework
Inter-school Swimming Carnival
Spelling - Sentences - 10 from list 1 or 2 words. Choose 3 Asian countries to mark on your map.
Reading - free choice written in diary
Maths - allocated homework
Spelling - Antonyms 10 from list 1 and 10 from list 2. Parent test on List 1 and 2. Choose 3 Asian countries to mark on your map.
Reading - free choice written in diary
Maths - allocated homework
Sport - Revolution Sports, Squash or activity at school
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